503.689.8679 info@spamanzanita.com


Hello everyone,
Let me introduce my friend Chris Biegun is a  local artist here in Nehalem, he has a wonderful project he is doing, please read on:

As some of you already know, I make miniature ceramics vases. “Why miniature” you ask? Well it started about 2 years ago when I was walking on the beach and I came across some exposed clay along the bank. When I heard about the Hoffman Clay studio from my friends Kayleigh and Lily of Moon River farm:) , I felt compelled to see if I could make this clay work. Not having much experience working with clay made this even more exciting. I started with a bucket of the clay I found and began throwing small cylinders and irregular forms. With the guidance and patience from a host named Steven, I eventually started making pieces that resembled a vase. I found that throwing small lent me more time at the wheel without burning through clay fast. I was making the same mistakes on small pieces that a person would make if they were throwing large. So less clay and more time on the wheel allowed me to learn fast. I still practice this process and see no reason to quit. So I’m offering a unique experience to own a “small” collection of miniatures over the span of 6 months. 150$ a share allows each member to receive a one of a kind vase each month for 6 months. Starting in March I will send out the first of 6 vases to each member. You can email me regarding contract and billing info chrisbiegun@gmail.com 
Collection of my work @boooodude on instagram